Te Waharoa Ararau ā-Kura

How do I get an Education Sector Logon?

Who has access to the data?

Only users registered and approved by your kura or school administrator can access student information in Te Waharoa Ararau.

Te Waharoa Ararau Email & Phone Support

For email or phone support on how to use Te Waharoa Ararau or for support setting up Education Sector Logons contact the Ministry of Education Service Desk:

Phone: 0800 422 599
Email: [email protected]

Te Waharoa Ararau provides access to multiple pathways that are important to ākonga, their whānau, hapū and iwi, and supports them on their journey to enjoy and achieve educational success.

About Te Waharoa Ararau

Te Waharoa Ararau has been developed by the Ministry of Education to assist with the collection of student progress and achievement in alignment with Te Marautanga o Aotearoa - Pāngarau and Te Reo Matatini. Learn more about TWA and view support documentation for kura and kaiako. Learn more about TWA and view support documentation for kura and kaiako.

This information will assist with the collation and reporting of progress and achievement at individual, class, and school-wide level to students, their whānau and teachers. This tool is available to all kura and Māori medium settings that use Te Marautanga o Aotearoa - Pāngarau and Te Reo Matatini with their year 1 - 10 students.

The process for getting on to Te Waharoa Ararau (TWA) is as follows:

  1. The EPA Authoriser needs to request this role for you via the EPA website. EPA is a requesting tool where an authoriser that has been signed off by your school's principal can go to request access and logons for users.
  2. The TWA Administrator needs to invite you to TWA via an invitation email link.
  3. You need to accept the invitation by logging on to TWA with your Education Sector Logon credentials.

This process does not differ for a PLD Provider. PLD facilitators will need to follow the above process for every school they require access to.

Who has access to the data?

Only users registered and approved by your kura or school administrator can access student information in Te Waharoa Ararau.